[URBANTH-L]SUNTA Teaching Workshop at Washington AAA

Robert Rotenberg rrotenbe at depaul.edu
Sun Nov 4 08:55:19 EST 2007

Even though the deadline for pre-registration is past, you can still
register in Washington for the SUNTA-sponsored teaching workshop. Last year
ten colleagues from all over the country participated. From the emails I
received after the conference, it was evident that they found the experience
valuable. The workshop provides a forum to discuss successes and concerns
that SUNTA members experience and to work together to develop stronger
classroom presences for our approach to anthropology. The workshop is
particularly valuable for colleagues in their first five years of teaching,
including graduate teaching assistants teaching their own courses, but
colleagues with all lengths of teaching experience are welcome. Some of the
topics we consider include how to develop a SUNTA inspired introductory
course, how to teach without a textbook and still satisfy the knowledge-base
exposure departments want, and how to effectively build and assess out of
class exercises into classes.
I lead the workshop but take no remuneration for doing so. All proceeds from
the workshop go to the SUNTA account. My interests in doing so lie in
strengthening what I believe to be a valuable approach to teaching our
discipline by encouraging students to learn about culture "where we are and
with the people we live among."
Unless the workshop is supported by the membership this year, it will not be
offered in the future. If you think this is the sort of discussion that is
valuable and appropriate for us to offer during the annual meetings, then
please set aside Friday afternoon from 2 to 5 PM, register for the workshop
when to pick up your materials, and bring your experiences. I look forward
to meeting you. 
If you'd like a preview of my approaches to the classroom, check our my
teaching blog, SUNTA Teacher, at http://suntateacher.blogspot.com/

Hope to see you in Washington,
Bob Rotenberg

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