R J Zitto rjzitto at ysu.edu
Mon Oct 31 19:03:54 EST 2005

FYI  a letter from Ohio U iversity    Z

I'm on the faculty down here at Ohio University in the Department of
Physics and Astronomy. As part of my job I coordinate our algebra-based
physics series. As another part I handle LON-CAPA, the computer-based
homework system that Nathaniel is helping out with. As a third part, I get
to play, have fun, and do some outreach!

We're having a big open house to celebrate the World Year of Physics Nov
4/5. We weren't exactly figuring that people would drive down from
Youngstown's way unless they were really interested in both Physics and
Ohio University. But as well, we're having a physics contest/exam Nov 5
(starting at 10AM). This is for 11 and 12 graders, and has a $300 cash
prize plus $1500 scholarship (for OU Physics) attached to it. There might
be more students interested in this.

Nathaniel mentioned you were plugged into YAPA and might be able to spread
the word a bit. (So what is YAPA and who's involved???) I'm attaching
the information at the bottom here.



Physics Contest

Our annual Physics Contest for 11th and 12th graders will
be held Saturday, November 5 in the morning (10AM). The one-hour exam
will be geared towards an Algebra-based Physics level, with an emphasis
on concepts. The top student will receive a $300 cash prize and a
Shipman Scholarship worth $1500 per year for the study in the Department
of Physics and Astronomy at Ohio University. Second and third prizes are
$200 and $100, respectively.

More information and a registration link can be found by going to
http://www.phy.ohiou.edu and clicking on the High School Contest link on
the righthand side.

Physics and Astronomy Open House!

Join us as we celebrate the World Year of Physics! The Department of Physics
and Astronomy at Ohio University will be holding an Open House the afternoon
of Friday November 4 (beginning 1PM) and morning and afternoon on Saturday
November 5 (beginning 9:30AM) . The Open House will take place in Clippinger
Laboratory on the Athens Campus of Ohio Unversity and will include:

* Tours of the Accelerator Lab, Atomic Manipulation Lab, and Scanning
    Electron Microscope Lab (see web for scheduled times)

* Physics Shows: (twice daily)
    Fun with Liquid Nitgrogen
    What NOT to put in your Microwave
    NanoScience: Thinking Big, Building Small
    Waves, Resonance and Shattered Glass
    Relative Reality
        (a city drive in a world where the speed of light is 10m/s!)

* Physics Challenges (bowling balls, hovercraft and more)

* Solar Electricity, Einstein and Clean Power for the 21st Century
    Al Compaan, University of Toledo - Friday 6PM, Walter Hall 135

* Astronomy Viewing before and after lecture (followed by the Ohio
   University-Toledo football game)

* The Physics of Harry Potter - Join us for a light-hearted discussion
     of physics and magic and a viewing of "Harry Potter and the
   Sorceror's Stone."
    Saturday 2:30PM, Walter Hall 135

There will be displays, demos and talks geared towards ALL AGES! There
is no admission charge for any of the events.

For more information contact the Department of Physics and Astronomy at
593-1718 or visit us on the web at www.phy.ohiou.edu.

Mark Lucas                                        email: lucasm at ohiou.edu
252D Clippinger Lab                                  phone: (740)597-2984
Department of Physics and Astronomy             fax:   (740)593-0433
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701

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