[YAPA] YAPA Meeting: Feb. 22

Sharon Shanks slshanks at ysu.edu
Thu Feb 16 14:49:48 EST 2006

No fancy letterhead this time - just the facts (mam'm):

Dear Colleagues,

By the time you read this Valentine’s Day will have passed, leaving a warm
feeling in our hearts. Time then for the next YAPA meeting, to be held at
Liberty High School on Wednesday the 22nd of February. The time is 7 p.m. and
our host is Gordon Powell. Check at Map Quest for directions (the address is 1
Leopard Way, Youngstown, 44505) or ask a friend. Speaking of friends – bring one
with you to the meeting. Any topic that you want to bring to share will be fine.
Items that you want identified or help with repairing are always welcome.

Students from last summer’s Chem 6991 class (alternative assessment – physical
science) are still required to attend one YAPA meeting and make a presentation
about how they are using the materials from the course. So far only one person
has attended and made a presentation. The extra equipment that you are
anticipating will not materialize until after you have attended and presented
–sorry but there is NO FREE LUNCH. Dick will not be at the February meeting but
will have the attendance log and a spy reporting.

Mike C will have an interesting item to share as usual, and Debbie Smith will be
a bag lady and make ice cream in - what else - a plastic bag. Banana, nuts and
carmel topping will be appropriate to bring in delicious anticipation.

We hope you can come and enjoy a science educational sharing with your

Roy, Gregg and Dick

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