[YAPA] Fwd: 2009 State Science Day Judges NEEDED

Richard Zitto rjzitto at ysu.edu
Mon Mar 9 22:49:01 EDT 2009

Misty Stephens wrote:

>The Ohio Academy of Science
>1500 West Third Avenue Suite 228 . Columbus OH 43212-2817
>Phone 614/488-2228 . Toll Fax 614/488-7629
>Email oas at iwaynet.net . Website http://www.ohiosci.org
>March 9, 2009
>Dear Colleague:
>2009 State Science Day Judges NEEDED
>The Ohio Academy of Science would like to cordially invite you to
>participate as a State Science Day Judge. This year's event is to be 
held at
>The Ohio State University on Saturday, May 9, 2009. More than 1,200 
>in grades 7-12 will participate.
>Tentative Schedule for Judges: 
>State Science Day:                      Saturday, May 9, 2009
>Parking:                                           7:00-8:15 AM Parking 
>off Lane Ave. north of St. 
>                                                        John Arena
>Judges' Registration & Briefing:       8:30 - 9:15 AM St. John Arena 
>Judging of Projects:                          9:15-11:45 AM French Field
>Awards Ceremony (optional):           2:30-5:00 PM St. John Arena
>You can register to judge at State Science Day at:
>Please visit the Academy's website for travel, hotel, general 
>and/or to order your State Science Day shirt:
>                                      http://www.ohiosci.org/ssd.htm
>Please take a moment to visit these websites 
>and register to judge today! 
>Please keep in mind all correspondence will be mailed to the address you
>provide, so please let us know immediately if you change addresses after
>If you have any questions, please email me at 
>oas at iwaynet.net
>or you may call me at (614) 488-2228. 
>Misty Stephens
>Administrative Assistant
>The Ohio Academy of Science
>1500 W. 3rd Avenue
>Columbus, OH  43212-2817
>Phone (614) 488-2228
>FAX (614) 488-7629
> <mailto:oasoffice at rrohio.com> oasoffice at rrohio.com
> <http://www.ohiosci.org/> www.ohiosci.org
>Curiosity? Discovery. Innovation!
>P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
>"The creation of wealth is certainly not to be despised, but in the 
long run
>the only human activities really worthwhile are the search for 
knowledge and
>the creation of beauty" 
>(Arthur C. Clarke, 1962). 

R J Zitto  Physics Instructor
Youngstown State University
Physics & Astronomy Dept
Youngstown, OH 44555
Office 330 941 7110  fax  330 941 3121
cell 330 550 3652
rjzitto at ysu.edu
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From: Misty Stephens <oasoffice at rrohio.com>
Subject: 2009 State Science Day Judges NEEDED
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2009 15:57:23 -0400
Size: 19862
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