[bfsa] Tech Prep FUNDS At Risk

Hasheen Wilson hawilson at ysu.edu
Fri Feb 26 09:38:15 EST 2010


Please see email from our dear sister Arlene soliciting support for the children, therefore please support this cause any way you can.


Hasheen Wilson, President


From: Arlene Floyd [mailto:afloyd at ysu.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 2:30 PM
To: Arlene Floyd
Subject: IMPORTANT - Tech Prep FUNDS At Risk
Importance: High


I ask that you support College Tech Prep, the federal government is trying to eliminate funding AGAIN for the program and Ohio has made the decision that all career-technical will be CTP so we need to keep CTP in the minds of our federal legislators.  Please this along to anyone you know that will support us.

Thank you.


It is imperative in these difficult economic times to keep the concept of Tech Prep in the minds of key legislators and to shed a positive light upon the successes and effectiveness of Tech Prep programs throughout the country.   

We encourage everyone who will be attending NPS to present their Senator and Congressperson with a complimentary copy of the “Cultivating Success: Tech Prep Best Practices Across the United States” publication.  It is important for us to actively promote Tech Prep’s outstanding accomplishments taking place across the nation.

NATPL Executive Director Dodie Bemis (SD) will be bringing extra copies of the book.  Legislative/Public Policy Committee Director Ray Timlin (OH) and Liaison Sheila Ruhland (NC) developed a promotional letter outlining the value of Tech Prep to be included with the book.  You can pick up copies of the Best Practices publication and promotional letter Monday afternoon at the South Dakota table during the State Planning Round Tables session from 4:30-5:30.  Just let Dodie (bemisd at lakeareatech.edu) know how many copies you need so she can bring along an adequate number.  If you need yours earlier, just contact Dodie to make arrangements.

In addition, Kathy D’Antoni (WV) has drafted a NATPL Tech Prep Resolution for Perkins Tech Prep Funding in response to the release of President Obama’s proposed 2011 budget.  We’ll gladly share this resolution with you in order for you to personalize the resolution for your respective legislators The National Association for Tech Prep Leadership (NATPL) sets forth the following resolution.  NATPL encourages the membership and friends to gather signatures of support and send the signed resolution to their respective congressional delegation.

A Word document of the resolution can be found a NATPL’s website, www.natpl.org <http://www.natpl.org/> .  With the Word document, you will be able to enter the names of your respective representatives.  



NATPL 2009 logo






SUBMITTED TO:   (Members could put in their own representatives names here)


SUBJECT:  FY2011 Carl D. Perkins and Tech Prep Funding


PROPOSED BY:  The National Association for Tech Prep Leadership  


ENCOURAGED by the existence of the Carl D. Perkins and Tech Prep Funding streams of the FY2010 Federal Budget, but


ALARMED that even though there is funding in the FY2011 budget for Carl D. Perkins proposed by President Obama,  the FY2011 budget zeroes out Tech Prep, and results in a reduction of Carl. D. Perkins dollars for thirty-five states,


 ANXIOUS to restore FY2011 to at least FY2010 funding levels passed by both houses of the United States Congress, the National Association for Tech Prep Leadership 


1.       CALLS UPON the United States Congress to restore these two vital initiatives to at least current FY2010 funding levels for all states.  Tech Prep and Career and Technical Education are crucial in providing youth and adults with the skills they need in a competitive global economy.  In uncertain economic times we should be investing in programs that educate and train Americans for skilled jobs.  Tech Prep along with Career and Technical Education provides students with the education and job skills necessary to find employment in the 21st Century workplace,


2.       SUGGEST that the Congressional leaders take action to amend President Obama’s FY2011 budget and  restore the  Perkins and Tech Prep funding for all states:

a.       Oversee the budget process to reflect the FY2010 amounts be restored,

b.      Coordinate the appropriations processes to achieve these results,

c.       Recommend that the formula used in the past to distribute Carl D. Perkins allocations not inflict harm upon funding for any  state in the areas of Carl D. Perkins and Tech Prep initiatives,


3.       RECOMMENDS to the United States Congress the 

a.        Re-instatement of Tech Prep funds at least at the FY2010 funding levels,

b.      Resistance of temptation to merge the Tech Prep initiatives into the Carl D. Perkins initiatives with no additional funding to perform these initiatives.  We understand and appreciate the fiscal constraints facing the United States Congress during these tight budget times, however, funding for these critical programs has failed to keep pace with the increasing need to prepare our workforce for a competitive global economy,   


4.       URGES all members of Congress to protect states from a cut in the funding of the Tech Prep and Carl D. Perkins initiatives.  Many young Americans are now able to effectively and efficiently transition from secondary to postsecondary education  through the Tech Prep initiative which increases the high school graduate’s  likelihood of furthering his/her education, and 


5.       COMMENDS all Congressional Leaders in the United States for their strong support of Carl D. Perkins and Tech Prep initiatives in the past.      


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