[URBANTH-L]New Network of Concerned Anthropologists
Nibbs, Faith G.
fnibbs at mail.smu.edu
Sun Sep 30 16:39:27 EDT 2007
What are we meaning when we say we will not engage in research "in related theaters in the 'war on terror'? Do those related theaters include consulting on our own domestic groups that would, say, plan on attacking the school my children attend?
From: urbanth-l-bounces at lists.ysu.edu on behalf of FromYosee at aol.com
Sent: Sun 9/30/2007 1:37 PM
To: urbanth-l at lists.ysu.edu
Subject: Re: [URBANTH-L]New Network of Concerned Anthropologists
I am sure this plan is well-intentioned. However, there is a part of this
that sounds counterproductive to the stability of our country as well as that
of others. Consider this: Would it be better to have a ban of all
anthropologists as consultants to counter-insurgency agencies and have a bunch of PAC
guided politicians run the show (as has been in the past)? I would think
the inclusion (not exclusion) of conscientious research-oriented
anthropologists has more of a chance in bringing some sanity to this chaotic mess.
In a message dated 9/30/2007 12:10:07 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
jancius at ohio.edu writes:
From: Robert T. O'Brien <robrien at temple.edu>
Please see below and attached and forward as appropriate.
Forwarded from: Andy Bickford <bickford17 at yahoo.com>:
The Department of Defense and allied agencies are
mobilizing anthropologists for interventions in the
Middle East and beyond. It is likely that larger,
more permanent initiatives are in the works.
Over the last several weeks, we have created an ad hoc
group, the Network of Concerned Anthropologists, with
the objective of promoting an ethical anthropology.
Working together, we have drafted a pledge of
non-participation in counter-insurgency, which we have
organized as a petition (see attachment). We invite
you to become a part of this effort by taking the
following steps:
Download and print the attached pledge (in .pdf
format). Ask your colleagues to sign the pledge, and
promptly send it to us via regular mail. Our address
is Network of Concerned Anthropologists, c/o Dept. of
Anthropology, George Mason University, 4400 University
Drive, MS 3G5, Fairfax, VA 22030 (USA). If it is more
convenient, email a .pdf copy of collected signatures
and send it to us at
concerned.anthropologists at gmail.com.
Forward this message to your colleagues, and encourage
them to sign.
Join our network by emailing us at
concerned.anthropologists at gmail.com. Be sure to
include your name, title, and affiliation. We will add
you to our email list.
Visit our web site at
for more information and updates.
Email us at concerned.anthropologists at gmail.com if you
would like more information or if you have questions.
Sincerely yours,
Network of Concerned Anthropologists
Catherine Besteman
Andrew Bickford
Greg Feldman
Roberto Gonzalez
Hugh Gusterson
Gustaaf Houtman
Kanhong Lin
Catherine Lutz
David Price
David Vine
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Forget this and attaining Enlightenment
will be the least of your problems.
Robert T. O'Brien
Assistant Instructor
Department of Anthropology
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
robertob at rci.rutgers.edu
robrien at temple.edu
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