Ana Vivaldi zipolite at interchange.ubc.ca
Thu Mar 20 01:30:54 EDT 2008

Call for papers for a Volunteered Session at 2008 AAA Meeting in San


*Gendered Spaces: Beyond the Public and the Private*

Marie-Eve Carrier Moisan (PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia)

Tal Nitsan (PhD Student, University of British Columbia)

Ana Vivaldi (PhD, Student University of British Columbia)

* *

The critique to the division between public and private spaces
as respectively masculine and feminine spheres has been widely addressed in
social sciences and the humanities. This is only one of the dimensions in
which attention to the gendered dimension of space has been drawn. It has
been claimed that space (and movements in between places) are not just a
side-product of gendered social interactions but active elements in their
production and reproduction.  No longer conceived of as enclosed, bounded,
or self-contained, spaces are conceived of as fluid, shifting, flexible and
as constituted by encounters, movements, and coexistence of difference. In
other words, space, and by extension places, are always in tension between
their boundaries and their permeability and are simultaneously constituted
by social relations and constitutive of them. Gender, as one of the most
significant markers of differences in social relations, plays a critical
role in "making spaces" and in being made by spaces. In this panel, we want
to reflect on gendered spaces, considering these complex tensions as they
unfold in everyday spatial practices that are deeply gendered.  We want to
discuss not only the ways places get genderized and gender spacialized, but
also how can an ethnographic approach help us understand the particular ways
in which these processes unfold in the experience of people involved in

We would like to address, among other themes,

-       Spaces, the body, and mobility: how particular spaces articulate
different gendered bodily practices, and how are these in turn transformed
by mobility?

-       Public spaces, private spaces: beyond the private as feminine and
the public as masculine

-       Cyber spaces and gender: the internet and the intimate and
translocal relations.

-       Gendered Fields: territory sovereignty, land distribution and access
to natural resources.

-       Migration and gender

-       Landscapes of sexual and racial difference.

Please send your 250-word abstract, including your title and institutional
affiliation to both addresses below, before the 27 of March.

Tal Nistan sharshafil at hotmail.com

Ana Vivaldi: zipolite at interchange.ubc.ca

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