[YAPA] AAPT Meeting Sept. 30 - Westminster
G. Samuel Lightner
lightner at westminster.edu
Mon Sep 4 15:00:35 EDT 2006
Everyone is invited to the Western PA Section AAPT meeting to be held at
Westminster, Sept. 30. You don't have to be a member of the section to
come, and there will be no "dues" for visitors unless you would like to
become a member ($5.00/year).
Below is a "call for papers". You are also welcome to give a paper.
Westminster's Science in Motion will be doing a workshop for HS physics
teachers in the afternoon (not mentioned in the "call for papers").
I'll post the final schedule when it is available about a week before
the meeting.
(Note: Ask Zitto about Carl Landis, the invited speaker)
Sam Lightner
Western Pennsylvania Section of the American Association of Physics
Teachers (AAPT)
Fall 2006 Meeting - Call for Papers
The Fall 2006 meeting of the AAPT of Western PA will be held at
Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA, on Saturday, September 30.
This is a call for papers on any topic in physics (including astronomy
and physics education).
E-mail title and short abstract (100 words maximum) as a Microsoft WORD
file to Patrick C. Hecking, phecking at thiel.edu
<mailto:phecking at thiel.edu> . Submission of printed abstracts is
discouraged. Each presentation must not exceed 15 minutes including
discussion time. Indicate preference for time of presentation, if any.
Please submit abstracts on or before September 16. If you do not plan to
give a presentation, but will attend, please let me know for an
approximate "body count".
Approximately one week before the meeting, you will receive a tentative
schedule and directions to the meeting place.
A connection for a laptop, an LCD projector and screen as well as a
conventional CTT (chalk transfer technology) blackboard will be
available. It is desirable that you bring an external drive (flash etc.)
with your presentation/data loaded. This greatly speeds up the
connection, since the laptops do not have to be switched. If you have
special audio-visual needs beyond these basic features, such as an
overhead projector for transparencies, sound, a slide projector etc.,
please contact separately Sam Lightner at Westminster College (lightner@
We have the plenary speaker Carl Landis already scheduled for ~9 a.m.
He will speak on Medical Physics, an area of physics specialization that
is increasingly in demand (and well paid).
There will be a number of door prizes including several $ 50 gift
certificates from Vernier as well as the usual textbook lottery. A
continental breakfast (donuts, coffee, juices) will be available before
the meeting.
This electronic mailing goes also to a number of high school teachers,
who may not be members(yet), but may be interested. Lastly, if you know
of colleagues who might be interested, and have not been reached by this
e-mail, you may want to tell them as well.
Patrick C. Hecking, VP, Western PA section AAPT, (724)589-2104 at
Physics Department, Thiel College, 75 College Av., Greenville, PA 16125.
Sam Lightner
Hoyt 121
Physics Department
Westminster College
New Wilmington, PA 16172
voice: (724) 946-7204 fax: (724) 946-7146
lightner at westminster.edu
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