[YAPA] Final YAPA meeting notes
Roy McCullough
rmccullo at hotmail.com
Wed May 13 11:16:00 EDT 2009
The last YAPA meeting for 2008-2009 involved many lively presentations and discussions.
Jodi McCullough started the evening show us a Powerpoint of behind the scenes pictures of the Shuttle being readied for launch. She promised to share these through this medium. She also showed Youtube videos Titled I Will Derive and Electric Lineman which amused and exhilarated. The lineman flying in by helicopter, synching with the line voltage and crawling along in his Faraday suit lead to several discussions.
Jim Andrews shared a Powerpoint Jeopardy game he picked up at the last Ohio section meeting. He is willing to email to any who are interested (jandrews at ysu.edu). Jim also discussed the new atomic force microscope the department is receiving and some of the research he and Tom Oder will be doing.
Tim Battista mentioned that there are several Youtube videos put together by AP Physics and AP Calculus students that would also be worth viewing. He also highly recommended the new Star Trek movie be viewed at an IMAX. He found it to be an awesome viewing experience… Others remarked that they also thought the movie was well done.
Karen Cordova discussed her recent read of the book “Physics for Future Presidents” recommending it highly. She also pointed to research she had recently been reviewing regarding enrollment as physical science and mathematics majors with dismay. This lead to a lively discussion of potential causes and some suggestion that we look at mechanisms for popularizing science investigations- milk cartons, bread wrappers, etc.
Larry Sherer shared his experience working with the ODE reassuring us that the changes the governor has proposed are, at this point, long term possibilities, with the present testing and standards likely to be in effect for several more years. He also pointed out that the consultant group he is working with are concerned that science teachers 7-12 don’t do enough laboratory investigations. Larry suggested that lack of facilities/equipment was at least contributory to this problem and asked for confirmation from those present. Again, a lively discussion ensued. If you have an interest in giving Larry feedback he could take with him to Columbus, you can email him at lsherer at earthlink.net.
Richard Zitto announced plans for this year’s picnic. Expect invitations soon. He pointed out that he plans to have a giveaway table, as Pam is interested in finding parking in their garage.
Mike Crescimanno shared three demos: 1. Using an electronic balance to on a ramp to illustrate normal force. He showed that a cheap Harbor Freight scale worked fine, but the more expensive science supply house on did not. 2. He discussed a unique experience helping a local company repair their cement crusher. Their magnetic separator had come apart and they needed guidance on how to construct it. Mike illustrated the need to have nearby poles opposing each other to increase the magnetic flux. 3. He demonstrated thin film interference by placing a drop of viscous fingernail polish on water in a tray. He had placed black construction paper in the bottom of the tray and when the polish had dried, he pulled the paper up with through the film attaching it to the paper, providing a permanent film. Mike also pointed out the state funding to university has a new wrinkle which could create significant academic change.
Our last contributor was Cindy Smotzer, sharing ideas she uses in the Physics of Sound class. First, she demonstrated using a doll with a hole in one ear the size of ear buds, then a hole through the other side in which she placed a decibel meter. Students set the player through ear buds to the intensity they normally listen to, then observe the reading on the meter. They are also invited to set the level to one they would use when doing a noisy activity, like mowing the grass… she ended with a discussion of a project she used this spring having students make their own instruments and performing with them.
We ended the evening as usual with our giveaways.
Hope you all have an excellent end to the school year and great summer.
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