[YAPA] Fwd: [osaapt] Fwd: June 22, 2012: Governor's THOMAS EDISON Awards for Excellence in STEM Education
Richard Zitto
rjzitto at ysu.edu
Thu May 24 17:33:24 EDT 2012
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lynn Elfner <oas at iwaynet.net>
Date: Tue, May 22, 2012 at 1:54 PM
Subject: June 22, 2012: Governor's THOMAS EDISON Awards for Excellence in
STEM Education
To: Lynn Elfner <oas at iwaynet.net>
Postmarked deadline for applications: June 22, 2012****** **Governor’s Thomas
Edison Awards for Excellence in STEM Education ****Please see attached.*****
* **
*What is STEM Education?*
* **STEM Education is both the mastery and integration of Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics for all PK-12 students. It
incorporates scientific inquiry and technological design through
student-focused, project-based curricula to develop skills of
communication, teamwork/collaboration, creativity/innovation, critical
thinking, and problem solving.*
** **
*Criteria for the Governor’s Thomas Edison Awards*
*for Excellence in STEM Education for schools and teachers:*
**1. **Conduct a local science fair with 20 or more students.****
**2. **Send one or more of these students to one of the Academy's 15
district science days.****
**3. **Students from the school have participated in at least one more
youth science opportunity *beyond the classroom*: State Science Day,
Regional Science and Engineering Fairs, Intel Science Talent Search, Intel
International Science & Engineering Fair, MATHCOUNTS, JSHS, B-WISER Camp,
the Academy's Annual Meeting, Engineer-for-a-Day Program, JETS/TEAMS, OM,
Physics Olympics, Science Olympiad, Siemens-Westinghouse, or other
structured, STEM-related youth activities at museums and nature centers,
extensive field experiences, and mentorships in colleges and industries.
See http://www.careercornerstone.org/pcprogproj.htm ****
**4. **The principal must write a letter that lists the teacher or
teaching team most responsible for student participation in these
**5. **DOCUMENTATION may include copies of certificates that your
students received for participating in an activity, press clippings, copies
of relevant pages of local, district, or State Science Day programs or
copies of acceptance or confirmation letters for activities.****
***6. ***** Provide a maximum two page summary description (omit
needless words) with attached documentation as to **how** and to what
extentthe school’s program(s) meet(s) the Academy’s definition of STEM
**. See above What is STEM Education?*
**7. **Send the cover letter from the principal with a two-page summary
and *DOCUMENTATION *Please use a single stable in the upper left of the
entire package if possible. Do NOT otherwise bind or use notebooks. Mail *four
(4)* complete application packages *postmarked by June 22, 2012* to:****
** **
Dr. Lynn E. Elfner, CEO****
The Ohio Academy of Science****
1500 W. 3rd Avenue, Suite 228****
Columbus, Ohio 43212-2817****
** **
*QUESTIONS*: Office - 614-488-2228****
Email Address - oas at iwaynet.net****
**This will be the most important item of the application package. To be
competitive, applicants should spend **considerable time** writing this
** **
** **
Dr. Lynn E. Elfner, CEO****
Acting Editor, *The Ohio J. of Science*****
The Ohio Academy of Science****
1500 W. 3rd Avenue, Suite 228****
Columbus, Ohio 43212-2817****
Office - 614-488-2228****
FAX - 614-488-7629****
Email Address - oas at iwaynet.net****
Curiosity? Discovery. *Innovation!*****
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail****
*QR Code:*
** **
** **
[image: Description: OAS qrcode 542375.tif]****
** **
Myra West
Professor Emerita, Physics
212 Smith Hall
Physics Department
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio 44242
330 - 672 - 2881
mwest1 at kent.edu
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