[Ysu-academic-senate] Fwd: Please send this to the members of Senate and Exec Committee
Bob Hogue
rahogue at ysu.edu
Thu Apr 7 10:34:39 EDT 2011
Message from Senate Chairperson Chet Cooper:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chet Cooper <crcooper01 at ysu.edu>
Date: Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:29 AM
Subject: Please send this to the members of Senate and Exec Committee
To: Bob Hogue <rahogue at gmail.com>
Dear Senate Colleagues,
I wish to congratulate all of you on an outstanding, though prolonged,
debate on the proposed (now approved) changes to the General Education
program. From my perspective as "referee", it was a grand event depicting
the very best of academia and the democratic process. Although the outcome
might not be exactly what some wanted, everyone had a chance to voice their
positions and counter proposals. I thank each and everyone of you for your
participation and patience during the 1.5 hour process. I would especially
like to thank Kathylynn Feld for stepping in as Parliamentarian and helping
properly guide the discussions. In addition, my gratitude (and sympathy) go
out to Bob Hogue, Senate Secretary, who now has the burden of capturing the
entire event in the minutes. If you see him on campus, give him a smile and
a friendly word - he needs it!!!
There are three points I would like to make in this note to you as well.
1) Please, particularly Chairs and Deans and others in the Academic
Division's administration, transmit the action of yesterday's Senate
regarding the changes to Gen Ed to your faculty and advisors. This will be
critical. If there are any questions, please direct them to Tod Porter
(sorry, Tod!)
2) During the discussions yesterday, some folks seemed to want to suggest
changes to proposal/amendments that were not subsequently considered or
acted upon. Please remember, suggestions are not motions. If you want to
make changes, you must "move" - not suggest, desire, pine for, etc. As
Chair, I listen for key procedural words. If you aren't up on Roberts Rules
of Order, you may wish to consult the publication of such as well as Drs.
Porter or Feld.
3) Agendas for each Senate meeting are posted by Bob Hogue about a week
prior to the meeting in accord with our by-laws (Bob is a stickler on this,
for good reason). It is incumbent upon Senators to read the material before
the meeting and be prepared to act. Tabling an item of business further
investigation or the presentation of new information not previously
available is fine. However, tabling an item because one has not read the
available posted information prior to the meeting hampers Senate business
and creates potential for making unwise decisions. Besides, Bob feels
appreciated for his efforts if you read it beforehand.
Again, I thank you for you service and dedication to the academic
enterprise. For those of you absent from yesterday's meeting, you missed a
great show!
See you in May!
Chet Cooper
Chair, Academic Senate
Chester R. Cooper, Jr., Ph.D.
Professor, Biological Sciences
Youngstown State University
One University Plaza
Youngstown, Ohio 44555
Office/Voice: 330.941.1361
Facsimile: 330.941.1483
Email: crcooper01 at ysu.edu
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