[Ysu-academic-senate] FW: Meeting with Presidential Candidates
Carol M. Lamb
cmlamb at ysu.edu
Tue Apr 23 10:02:28 EDT 2013
I am forwarding you a message from Chet, Senate Chair, regarding the visits of the Presidential candidates, per his request.
Senate Secretary
Carol M. Lamb
Youngstown State University
Engineering Technology
E-mail: cmlamb at ysu.edu
Phone: 330.941.4625
From: Chester R Cooper
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:05 AM
To: David K Asch; Carol M. Lamb; David S Porter; Michael R Crist; Regina M Rees; Adam C Earnheardt; Birsen Karpak; Tacibaht Turel; Justen Vrabel; John Murphy; Chester R Cooper
Subject: Meeting with Presidential Candidates
Dear Exec Committee Members,
It appears, despite my direct request, that the Senate Exec Committee will
not have a separate meeting time with each of the presidential candidates.
Instead, we will have to share time with departmental chairs and faculty.
To say I am disappointed is a grievous understatement.
Below you will see the times/dates of the candidates visits/forums.
Carol, please send this information out to all Senate members as well as
the attachments.
In addition, I am asking that all of you not only attend these sessions,
but that you round up as many faculty as possible to attend.
I will have more to communicate shortly.
Chester R. Cooper, Jr., Ph.D.
Professor, Biological Sciences
Youngstown State University
Tel./Voice: 330.941.1361
On 4/23/13 7:50 AM, "Shannon Tirone" <stirone at ysu.edu> wrote:
>Good Morning!!!!
>The following dates / times have been given to us for the candidates to
>meet with members of the Academic Senate Leadership, Academic Chairs and
>Faculty. Please let me know if you have any questions. I have also
>attached copies of their vitas. Thank you for distributing this
>information to the Academic Senate Leadership team. Thanks.
>Dr. Randy Dunn
>Thursday, May 2nd
>1:30pm - 2:30pm
>Tod Hall Board Room
>Dr. James Moran
>Monday, May 6th
>1:30pm - 2:30pm
>Tod Hall, Board Room
>Atty. William Decatur
>Wednesday, May 8th
>1:30pm - 2:30pm
>Tod Hall, Board Room
>Shannon Tirone
>Executive Associate to the President
>Youngstown State University
>One University Plaza
>Youngstown, Ohio 44555
>phone: 330-941-3101
>fax: 330-941-7169
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