[Ysu-academic-senate] Senate Agenda for September 6th
Chet Cooper
crcooper01 at ysu.edu
Fri Sep 1 13:58:55 EDT 2017
Dear Senators,
Welcome to the 2017-2018 academic year and the first meeting of YSU’s Academic Senate. The meeting shall take place at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, September 6th in the DeBartolo Hall auditorium. Please remember to be on time as well as to sign the attendance sheet as you enter the auditorium.
Attached to this email is the agenda for the meeting. Please note that there are several items needing your attention. Of particular note shall be a brief presentation regarding the analysis of the recent Campus Climate Survey (available at the following URL: http://cms.ysu.edu/ysu/campus-climate) and the draft document defining Shared Governance as proposed by the YES Committee (available at on the Senate web page: http://academicsenate.ysu.edu/). More detailed information and discussions shall be invited at several open forums that have been scheduled and announced on the campus climate web page (http://cms.ysu.edu/ysu/campus-climate). Senators are strongly encouraged to read these documents prior to the Senate meeting.
I thank you for your continued service to YSU and the Academic Senate. I look forward to seeing you next week.
As always, please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Chet Cooper, Chair
Academic Senate
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