[Ysu-academic-senate] Tomorrow's Senate Meeting
Chet Cooper
crcooper01 at ysu.edu
Tue Dec 3 06:39:50 EST 2019
Dear Colleagues,
As a reminder, tomorrow’s Senate meeting begins promptly at 4:00 PM in the DeBartolo Hall auditorium (Room 132). Please make every effort to attend. I have attached the agenda for your information. Please note that a report from the General Education Committee was inadvertently left off this agenda, but will be included in the meeting with copies available at the meeting.
Quorum will be required to vote upon a proposal by the Academic Standards Committee to reduce the number of upper division hours required for the Bachelor degree.
A draft of the revised Senate Bylaws will be distributed and briefly introduced. No action is anticipated on this document until the next Senate meeting, but an overview of the changes will be presented. Also, Senators are encouraged to listen to a podcast that covers some of these changes. The podcast can be accessed, for now, at the following URL: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__soundcloud.com_user-2D520015485_senate-2Dpreview-2Ddec-2D2019-2Dproposed-2Dchanges-2Dto-2Dsenate-2Dbylaws&d=DwIGaQ&c=0W9Vy5nnhl9u_frqx4vrzKSNz08jjO3fIve6wVqRTVo&r=WaMXTq7FwIIHiLY5QTwrhBSX_V4zkT8plhbMEgxLRatFHeXoDNiNvBnIHYqi13Wf&m=Pi6zpoHpUvGfVMGVVZkaNhB0XPoamwChcHOoUKp1WVE&s=7XIFkbScWcUvmsDS32mKkZjWL6QEJpJWW5F07MFUgNo&e= .
Finally, in addition to a few other informational reports, there is an anticipated discussion under New Business regarding the recent issues involving the distribution of college/course fees. My hope would be that this is not a prolonged complaint session on how the absence of these funds impact the delivery of quality educational experience for our students (that is obvious), but one that focuses directly on the issues of the intent of these fees, and how the decision making process to withhold these fees was made absent transparency and contrary to the principles of shared governance.
I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow at 4:00 PM.
Chester R. Cooper, Jr., Ph.D.
Professor, Biological Sciences
Youngstown State University
Voice/Phone: 330.941.1361
“Anybody who seeks wealth as an end in itself is always going to be disappointed. What you really should be doing is seeking excellence in achievement.” Herb Kelleher (1931-2019)
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