[Ysu-academic-senate] Summary of Senate Executive Committee Actions
Chet Cooper
crcooper01 at ysu.edu
Tue Mar 17 14:36:31 EDT 2020
Dear Senators and Others,
As you deem appropriate, please share this information with fellow faculty, staff, and students.
The Senate Executive Committee of the Academic Senate met on Monday, March 16th, to address several important issues. This communication summarizes the results of the Executive Committee’s actions.
Given the current coronavirus pandemic, and in accord with the recommendations of public health officials, the Committee has cancelled all meetings of the larger Senate body for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester. Consideration was given to remote online meetings of the Senate, but such action was deemed impractical for various reasons. Therefore, as established by the Senate’s charter/bylaws, the Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the body so as to maintain the Senate’s effective operation in matters of immediate importance to the academic environment and shared governance. Such actions shall be reported to the body. Issues considered by the Committee to be non-critical in nature shall be held until the fall semester.
As for the function of Senate committees, the Executive Committee advises that chairs may conduct meetings deemed to be necessary, but these meetings should be conducted remotely (e.g., via WebEx, Zoom, etc.). Reports/minutes from these committee meetings should be submitted to Carol Lamb (cmlamb at ysu.edu<mailto:cmlamb at ysu.edu>) and me (crcooper01 at ysu.edu<mailto:crcooper01 at ysu.edu>).
The Executive Committee also considered the matter of Senate elections which were to be held this month. After due consideration, the Executive Committee requests that current departmental senators retain their position until new elections can be held in the fall. For those departments wishing to change their representative, please contact me (crcooper01 at ysu.edu<mailto:crcooper01 at ysu.edu>) with the name of the new senator. For at-large senators, the Committee also requests that current college representatives retain their position until the fall elections. Should an individual wish to step down, again, please notify me.
In other business, the Executive Committee consulted with President Tressel regarding Spring graduation. A formal announcement regarding this event shall be forthcoming from the Office of the President.
Also, with the assistance of Ms. Jeanne Herman, University Registrar, the following decisions were made:
1. The date for a student to satisfy an “I” (Incomplete) grade received in Spring 2020 was moved from September 1, 2020 to December 14, 2020.
2. For all students enrolled in any course during Spring 2020, the date to withdraw (“W” grade) has been moved to April 24, 2020.
3. For all students enrolled in any course for Spring 2020, a credit/no credit option has been instituted. Students may choose this option up to April 24, 2020 but they must consult and garner the approval of their department chair, program coordinator, or advisor.
More details regarding these three options will be forthcoming.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Please stay healthy.
Chet Cooper, Chair
Academic Senate
Chester R. Cooper, Jr., Ph.D.
Professor, Biological Sciences
Youngstown State University
Voice/Phone: 330.941.1361
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