[YSU-Academic-Senate] Important Announcements from the Academic Senate

Edmund C Ickert ecickert at ysu.edu
Wed Aug 21 10:00:55 EDT 2024

Good morning everyone,

The executive committee of the senate met yesterday at 2 pm in preparation for the upcoming senate meeting on 9/4 at 4pm in Debartolo Hall room 132.  There are some important items from the meeting that I wanted to communicate to senate members:

There is currently a vacancy for a seat on the executive committee for Cliffe College of Creative Arts (CCCA).  If you are a senator from that college for this academic year and wish to be considered for this vacancy, please contact Chet Cooper via email with your interest in the next 2 weeks.  In the event that multiple senators are interested, an election will be held to fill the spot.  The term of service on this committee is 3 years. (See Bylaws for more information on the committee at: https://ysu.edu/academic-senate.

At the first meeting there will be a call for nominations for Senate Chair/Vice Chair.   If you are interested in being nominated for this position, or wish to nominate someone, please have those names ready by the first senate meeting. Per Bylaw 3, Section 1, here is information related to the election of the senate chair/vice chair:
(a) All Senate members are eligible for election as Chair of the Senate. Nominations for
Chair of the Senate will be taken at the first senate meeting.

(b) The Elections and Balloting committee is responsible for seeking nominations for the
position of Chair of the Senate and for the proper conduct of the election, the results of which
are announced no later than seven calendar days prior to the scheduled November Senate

(c) The successful candidate shall have a majority of valid votes cast. If no candidate obtains
a majority, a run-off election shall be held between the two candidates receiving the most
votes. In the event of a tie, the run-off candidate will be determined by drawing lots. The
term of office of the Chair and Vice Chair will be for one year beginning at the conclusion of
the December Senate meeting or, in the absence thereof, on January 1.

(d) The runner-up shall be designated as the Vice Chair. In the event of a tie, the run-off
candidate will be determined by drawing lots.

(e) In the event the election does not produce a Vice Chair, the Senate Executive Committee
will select a candidate for approval by majority vote of the body.

Dr Martha Pallante, chair of the governance committee, will also be sending out a call shortly in regards to filling up vacant seats on some of the university committees.  Please keep an eye out for these committee lists and feel free to reach out to Martha if you have an interest in any of these committeees.  Lists of these committees can be found at:https://ysu.edu/academic-senate/senate-structure.  I plan to update the pages once my webpage access is restored.  There is also some basic committee information in the Charter and Bylaws if your interested in further information:https://ysu.edu/academic-senate.  Please consider serving on these committees.

Thank you again for your attention to these important announcements.  If there is anything further to communicate, I will do so in a timely manner.


Edmund C Ickert, PT, DPT, PhD, CLT

Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy

Department of Graduate Studies in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Secretary, Academic Senate

Youngstown State University

Youngstown, OH 44555

Cushwa Hall, B326

P: 330-941-1326

F: 330-941-1898
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