[YSU-Academic-Senate] Academic Senate Meeting Update - 9/4/2024

Professor Costarell mdcostarell at ysu.edu
Fri Sep 6 13:17:32 EDT 2024


I am disappointed in the Gen Ed class selection process approved at the last Senate meeting and ask that we reevaluate the classes this Fall.
The Senate Charter, Article 5 Section 2, allows any faculty member to challenge a senate vote within 19 days of the action in senate.

The petition language is simple:

Challenge to Senate Action on General Education

We request:

That the General Education model, as voted on September 4, 2024, be reversed.
That the General Education committee reconvene in Fall 2024.

If you or any faculty are interested, I can circulate the petition to you before September 20.

Please note that the Charter language states that any faculty can sign the petition, not only senators.


From: YSU-Academic-Senate <ysu-academic-senate-bounces at lists.ysu.edu> on behalf of Edmund C Ickert <ecickert at ysu.edu>
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2024 12:32 PM
To: ysu-academic-senate at lists.ysu.edu <ysu-academic-senate at lists.ysu.edu>
Subject: [YSU-Academic-Senate] Academic Senate Meeting Update - 9/4/2024

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I am writing to send out details from the previous meeting that was held on 9/4/24.  Since I currently do not have the ability to upload this information to the academic senate website, I have opted to send out the information through email.

Item #1 - A recording of the senate meeting has been uploaded and is ready for embedding on the academic senate website.  Since I am unable to embed it, I am sharing a link to the meeting recording that is stored on my cloud.
Password: 8cMjsUPE

I will keep the meeting recording open so that anyone who wishes to see the meeting can access it.  If you have any problems with accessing the recording, please let me know.

Item #2 - Attached is the agenda with some of the notes that I took during the meeting.  Feel free to keep this for your records.  It will be posted on the senate website.

Item #3 - From the attached agenda I just wanted to remind everyone that if you wish to nominate someone for senate chair, please send the nomination to Bob Kramer by 9/11/24.  Also, please be sure to send Martha Pallante your Senate Interest Form  by 9/20/24.  This form will help the governance committee to fill any vacancies that exist across the current committees.

Item #4 - A Resolution was passed in honor of Max Grubb. I formatted the resolution to put it on a YSU letterhead.  Chet is going to print and sign it before sending a copy to Max's family. For those not present, I have attached the resolution for your viewing.

Item #5 - A couple of folks mentioned that their names were not on the attendance list at the previous meeting.  I have forwarded the names of those individuals to Bob Kramer.  If you believe that you were elected as a senator and did not see your name on the list, please reach out to Bob Kramer for verification prior to the next meeting.

Thank you everyone who attended the previous meeting.  Looking forward to seeing everyone in October.


Edmund C Ickert, PT, DPT, PhD, CLT

Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy

Department of Graduate Studies in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Secretary, Academic Senate

Youngstown State University

Youngstown, OH 44555

Cushwa Hall, B326

P: 330-941-1326

F: 330-941-1898
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