[YSU-Academic-Senate] Upcoming Senate Meeting Agenda - 10/2/24

Edmund C Ickert ecickert at ysu.edu
Wed Sep 25 11:23:44 EDT 2024

Good Morning Everyone!

In preparation for the upcoming senate meeting next week Wednesday (10/2) at 4 pm in Debartolo Hall Rm 132, I have attached the agenda.  The Executive Committee is meeting tommorrow as well ahead of the senate meeting.  If there are any changes to the agenda following the meeting, they will be forwarded immediately to all senators ahead of next week.  Please review the agenda prior to the scheduled meeting.  Dr Martha Pallante will be chairing the upcoming senate meeting this week for Dr Chet Cooper.

Thank you,

Edmund C Ickert, PT, DPT, PhD, CLT

Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy

Department of Graduate Studies in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Secretary, Academic Senate

Youngstown State University

Youngstown, OH 44555

Cushwa Hall, B326

P: 330-941-1326

F: 330-941-1898
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