[URBANTH-L]CFP: Spatial Justice, Critical Planning Journal

critplan critplan at ucla.edu
Fri Oct 20 16:06:36 EDT 2006


Volume 14, Summer 2007: Spatial Justice 

"Spatial justice" is an emergent concept, variously explored in fields
as diverse as urban planning, architecture, sociology, geography, and
others. Provisionally, we define spatial justice as the "fair and
democratic distribution of societal benefits and burdens across spaces
of various scales." Spatial justice strengthens concepts of social
justice by recognizing that space is socially produced, and that space,
in turn, shapes social relations. Volume 14 will bring together articles
from academics and practitioners to theorize and examine the application
of spatial justice as a framework for action. We welcome papers that
address a wide variety of topics -- regional democracy, transit and
environmental justice, anti-gentrification efforts, and resistance to
public housing redevelopment, among many others. We welcome manuscripts
from all disciplines and using various methodologies. We intend to
publish a combination of case studies, theoretical analyses, research
and policy briefs, design conceptualizations and personal accounts; feel
free to contact us by email to discuss your ideas.

Critical Planning, the Journal of the UCLA Department of Urban Planning,
aims to provide in-depth, innovative and critical analysis of topics
pertaining to the planning field. As a peer-reviewed publication,
Critical Planning welcomes original, high quality submissions.

Feature articles are generally between 5,000 to 7,000 words, while
shorter pieces are between 1,000 to 3,000 words. All submissions should
be written according to the standards of the Chicago Manual of Style,
15th Edition. Footnotes should be placed at the end of the document.
Please double-space all parts of the manuscript and leave one-inch
margins on all sides. Tables and images should be separated from the
text. Images should be provided in .TIF format, not exceeding a width of
5 inches and a resolution of 600 dpi (a width of 3000 pixels). Include a
cover sheet with the title of the article, the author's name, phone
number, email address and a two-sentence biographical statement.

Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate to:

Critical Planning
C/O Gregory Morrow, Deirdre Pfeiffer 
and Ava Bromberg, Managing Editors
UCLA Department of Urban Planning
School of Public Affairs
3250 Public Policy Building
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Early submissions are
encouraged. The deadline for submission is December 15, 2006.

Email: critplan at ucla.edu
Website: http://www.sppsr.ucla.edu/critplan/ 

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