[YSU-Academic-Senate] Important: Senate Agenda and Documents for Upcoming Meeting

Edmund C Ickert ecickert at ysu.edu
Wed Aug 28 10:12:53 EDT 2024

Good morning everyone!

Our first senate meeting is scheduled for 9/4/24 at 4 pm in Debartolo Hall Rm 132 which is 1 week from today.  In preparation for the meeting, I have attached the meeting agenda, as well as, 3 support documents that need reviewed prior to the first meeting:

General Education Report
Senate Attendance Policy Draft
Presidential Proclamation Draft

The Senate Attendance Policy Draft and Presidential Proclamation Draft are coming out from the Executive Committee and will be part of Chet's Report.

A few other quick notes regarding the upcoming senate year:

1. The University is continuing to complete its upgrade of the web servers.  I currently do not have access to update the senate pages currently, so be aware that information on the senate website is current as of May 2024.  I did post the schedule for the upcoming senate meetings.  You can find the schedule at (Plan ahead):

2023-2024 Meeting Agendas and Minutes<https://ysu.edu/academic-senate/2023-2024-meeting-agendas-and-minutes>
Archive of Agenda and Minutes Academic Year 2022-2023 Previous Meeting Agendas and Minutes can be found on the Digital.Maag Repository.

2. If you are new to the senate this year, I have manually added you to this senate email list so that you will receive important updates about the senate as they occur.  We are happy to have you onboard and look forward to seeing you throughout the year during senate meetings.  All of our senate meetings are held in DeBartolo Room 132 and start promptly at 4 pm (The schedule is in the link above).  All senate sessions are conducted IN-PERSON on campus.  Attendance at all senate sessions is required so that we can have sufficient quorum for conducting any senate business.  If you want to familiarize yourself with the senate, please visit our website at: https://ysu.edu/academic-senate.  Again, the information is not current for this upcoming academic year (It will be updated once I am able to regain access to make changes).

3. If you were a previous senator and are no longer serving, you may remove yourself from this email list if you desire to.  The link to unsubscribe can be found at:https://ysu.edu/academic-senate.  If you have problems, feel free to contact me and I can manually remove you.
YSU Academic Senate<https://ysu.edu/academic-senate>
Academic Senate Charter Preamble In recognition of the essential role of the faculty in the development of policies concerning the academic functions and activities of the University it is appropriate for the Senate to have primary responsibility for the development of new policies or changes in existing policies integral and essential to the academic functions and activities of the University.
4. There will be a call for nominations for senate chair this upcoming senate meeting.  For those not familiar with the process, below is a copy of Bylaw 3 Section 1 of the process:

Section 1. Chair and Vice Chair of the Senate

(a) All Senate members are eligible for election as Chair of the Senate. Nominations for Chair of the Senate will be taken at the first senate meeting.

(b) The Elections and Balloting committee is responsible for seeking nominations for the position of Chair of the Senate and for the proper conduct of the election, the results of which are announced no later than seven calendar days prior to the scheduled November Senate meeting.

(c) The successful candidate shall have a majority of valid votes cast. If no candidate obtains a majority, a run-off election shall be held between the two candidates receiving the most votes. In the event of a tie, the run-off candidate will be determined by drawing lots. The term of office of the Chair and Vice Chair will be for one year beginning at the conclusion of the December Senate meeting or, in the absence thereof, on January 1.

(d) The runner-up shall be designated as the Vice Chair. In the event of a tie, the run-off candidate will be determined by drawing lots.

(e) In the event the election does not produce a Vice Chair, the Senate Executive Committee will select a candidate for approval by majority vote of the body.

If you wish to nominate someone, you may do so at the upcoming meeting.

5. The governance committee (which is tasked with ensuring committees are filled) will also be putting out a call for filling committee positions.  A listing of the different committees can be found in the senate bylaws.  As I receive more information regarding these openings, I will be sending out emails regarding any vacancies.  I do have a listing of committees posted on the senate webpage at:
Again, this webpage is a bit outdated until I am able to update it, but it does at least contain some basic information about the committees. Please consider serving on these committees.

Thank you again for serving on the University Senate.  If there is anything further to report, I will do so accordingly prior to the first meeting. I look forward to seeing everyone at the first upcoming meeting!

Edmund C Ickert, PT, DPT, PhD, CLT

Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy

Department of Graduate Studies in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Secretary, Academic Senate

Youngstown State University

Youngstown, OH 44555

Cushwa Hall, B326

P: 330-941-1326

F: 330-941-1898
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